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When it comes to children's safety, many things come to parents' minds. From falling off of a bicycle to kids' eating the wrong thing, many things bother parents. But there's one thing that they usually forget about - kids' clothing. Most clothing brands in the industry want to sell clothes that are vivid, bright, and trendy. Everyone wants to produce mass clothing items that are cheaper to make and easy to sell. More often than not, people do end up falling for these products and buying them for their children without much consideration.
What we don't consider, however, is the factor of safety. This is where we believe that safe color comes in. Most parents think that they're doing their children a favor by buying them clothes with bright colors and patterns from a certain type of brand, but in reality, they're adding fuel to the fire. These mass-produced clothes have been exposed to some chemicals and dyes which can seep into your child's sensitive skin and cause many health problems. We recommend that you buy your kids' clothes from reliable brands and make sure that the dyes used are of high quality, so you and your children can be safe.

What is a safe color?
Safe color means any color of a fashion item that doesn't contain any chemicals or dyes.
Basically, it means an item has 100% natural coloring. The way to know if an item is safe? Look for the word ‘natural’ on the tag. If it says natural, then it's safe!
So how does unsafe coloring affect our children? Well, unsafe coloring can cause allergies. It can also lead to various skin problems like rashes and itchiness. One of the biggest things to steer clear of are azo dyes.
Why azo dyes are a big red flag?
The azo group, which is made up of two nitrogen atoms joined together is what creates azo dyes, which are synthetic colours. These dyes are built inside the fibres rather than being applied directly to the cloth. Because the dye is incorporated into the fibre, the colour develops relatively quickly, making it a popular dye in the textile industry for dyeing fabrics. Some Azo dyes are known to be toxic and carcinogenic and can enter the body through a variety of exposure routes, such as food, clothing, and environmental media (such as water, soil, air, and dust), and some of them can be metabolised to produce more toxic metabolites, which can result in toxic effects like allergic reactions, tumor development and endocrine disruptions.
How to check for safe clothing?
Like you, many parents have been trying to figure out a way to understand if the clothes that their child is wearing are safe or not. And there’s a simple method to figure that out, the OEKO- TEX certification. If a textile item bears the Standard 100 label by OEKO-TEX, you may be sure that every part of the item, including every thread, button and other accessories, have been screened for potentially dangerous compounds, making the item safe for human usage.
XY Life’s range of kids’ apparel is all certified by OEKO-TEX and is 100% safe for your children.
From underwear to outerwear for kids’, you can choose from a variety of designs and styles to choose whatever best suits your child.
In a nutshell:
It’s high time we pay attention to what our children wear along with everything else around them. It might seem like a small issue but ignorance and lack of knowledge can put their health in danger. It might seem intimidating but small actions and changes in choices can go a long way.
We identify your concern and that’s why we’ve made sure to set stringent safety standards for ourselves so that you and your child can totally rely on us. With XY Life, you’re choosing only the best for your child.
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